
An Attribute Grammar Decoder for the 01 MultiConstrained Knapsack Problem

, and . Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization -- EvoCOP~2005, volume 3448 of LNCS, page 34--45. Lausanne, Switzerland, Springer Verlag, (30 March-1 April 2005)


We describe how the standard genotype-phenotype mapping process of Grammatical Evolution (GE) can be enhanced with an attribute grammar to allow GE to operate as a decoder-based Evolutionary Algorithm (EA). Use of an attribute grammar allows GE to maintain context-sensitive and semantic information pertinent to the capacity constraints of the 01 Multi-constrained Knapsack Problem (MKP). An attribute grammar specification is used to perform decoding similar to a first-fit heuristic. The results presented are encouraging, demonstrating that GE in conjunction with attribute grammars can provide an improvement over the standard context-free mapping process for problems in this domain.

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