
In South Asian languages with SOV word order as an aerial feature, a compound verb construction appears as V1 V2 where V1 is the main verb and V2 the light verb. The semantic content that a light verb has is a grammaticalised one, in a V V construction. The light verb usually contributes grammaticalised meanings, aspect aktionsart, speaker evaluation etc. The light verb has an independent lexical meaning when it occurs solely as a main verb. Light verbs are also called as Explicator verbs and Vector verbs. They are found in Compound Verb Constructions as a verb that modifies the main verb. The main verb is called as a Polar verb and the light verb is called as a Vector verb. The V V construction is variously called as a Compound verb, Serial verb etc. This paper is the first of its kind to explore the area of light verbs in Tulu. Apart from listing out the light verbs in Tulu which is definitely not an exhaustive one , this paper compares them with their counterparts in Tamil, checking meanwhile if they are at all etymologically related. The etymological relation between the Tamil and Tulu light verbs is sought after because they both belong to the Southern branch of Dravidian languages. V. Ramprashanth | Dr. R. Kumarasamy Ä Comparative Study of Light Verbs in Tamil and Tulu" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-7 | Issue-2 , April 2023, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com.com/papers/ijtsrd54031.pdf Paper URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com.com/humanities-and-the-arts/other/54031/a-comparative-study-of-light-verbs-in-tamil-and-tulu/v-ramprashanth

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