
We consider the thermodynamics of a homogeneous superfluid dilute Bose gas in the presence of weak quenched disorder. Following the zero-temperature approach of Huang and Meng, we diagonalize the Hamiltonian of a dilute Bose gas in an external random delta-correlated potential by means of a Bogoliubov transformation. We extend this approach to finite temperature by combining the Popov and the many-body T-matrix approximations. This approach permits us to include the quasiparticle interactions within this temperature range. We derive the disorder-induced shifts of the Bose-Einstein critical temperature and of the temperature for the onset of superfluidity by approaching the transition points from below, i.e., from the superfluid phase. Our results lead to a phase diagram consistent with that of the finite-temperature theory of Lopatin and Vinokur which was based on the replica method, and in which the transition points were approached from above.

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