
The calculation of the electrostatic potentials that occur when tanks are filled with charged liquids

. Journal of Electrostatics, 26 (3): 201--226 (November 1991)
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0304-3886(91)90016-9


The calculation of potentials in cuboidal tanks that are being filled with charge liquids is discussed. First, the relationship between the streaming current at the inlet and the total charge in the tank is considered, then the relationship between the total charge and the potential on the liquid surface. The role of the liquid/vapor interface in inhibiting chage relaxation is examined and it is shown that for most practical tank shapes the lack of charge transfer across this interface increases the maximum potential by only about 12\%. Previous analyses using one- and two-dimensional models have suggested that the interface could have a greater influence, but these overemphasise the effect in real, three-dimensional tanks. The relaxation of charge could also be inhibited by slow charge transfer reactions at the interface between the liquid and the tank wall. It is shown that slow surface reactions have little influence on the potentials in a tank containing a quiescent liquid but may increase potentials significantly if the liquid is turbulent. The tank potentials are calculated from the charges using the Carruthers and Wigley expressions. Although the method of calculating potentials is not new, there have been no systematic presentations of results that give a practical feel for how the potentials vary with tank shape. This paper gives enough examples to provide such a feel and also gives simple expressions for calculating potentials in some special cases.

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