
Mapping Authors in Intellectual Space: A Technical Overview

Journal of the American Society for Information Science, (1990)


The article reports that Author Cocitation Analysis (ACA) is a set of data gathering, analytical, and graphic display techniques that can be used to produce empirical maps of prominent authors in various areas of scholarship. Readily available statistical packages, such as SPSS-X, SAS, Systat, and BMDP, include programs for clustering and mapping the data. Within a given map, the proximity of points representing authors reflects their perceived similarity on some dimension. By examining the distribution of authors and author clusters within the two- or three-dimensional "intellectual space" of a mapped display, other aspects of structure can be described. Clusters of points can be identified with subject areas, research specialties, schools of thought, shared intellectual styles, or temporal or geographic ties. In a factor analysis, factor loadings may demonstrate the breadth or concentration of various authors' scholarly contributions. This article presents an overview of current data gathering and analytical techniques for ACA. The article reports that Author Cocitation Analysis (ACA) is a set of data gathering, analytical, and graphic display techniques that can be used to produce empirical maps of prominent authors in various areas of scholarship. Readily available statistical packages, such as SPSS-X, SAS, Systat, and BMDP, include programs for clustering and mapping the data. Within a given map, the proximity of points representing authors reflects their perceived similarity on some dimension. By examining the distribution of authors and author clusters within the two- or three-dimensional "intellectual space" of a mapped display, other aspects of structure can be described. Clusters of points can be identified with subject areas, research specialties, schools of thought, shared intellectual styles, or temporal or geographic ties. In a factor analysis, factor loadings may demonstrate the breadth or concentration of various authors' scholarly contributions. This article presents an overview of current data gathering and analytical techniques for ACA.



  • @sercarfe

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