
Integral equation theory for orientationally ordered fluids

. Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


We present the integral equation study of equilibrium properties of orientationally ordered fluids in the presence of external field.The theory is built on the self-consistent solution of Ornstein-Zernike(OZ) and Lovett-Mou-Buff-Wertheim(LMBW) equations.It was shown by M.F.Holovko and T.G.Sokolovska (J.Mol.Liq.82(1999),161)that in the zero field limit the problem of spontaneously broken symmetry appears.This property is connected with the presence of Goldstone modes in ordered phase and leads to the long-range correlations of the director transverse fluctuations and to divergence in the corresponding susceptibility.The Ward identity was formulated. It gives the exact relation between the singlet distribution function and pair direct correlation function which plays the role of some sum rule at the limit of zero external field. In this report we consider some new aspects of the application of the integral equation approach in the theory of orientationally ordered fluids.Between them the influence of a different type of association and clusterization effects on the structural and thermodynamic properties.The special attention will be focused on the effects of dimerization and chain formation in orientationally ordered fluids.For this aim we combine the multidensity integral approach with corresponding LMBW equation.Some results are illustrated by the analytical solutions of mean spherical and associative mean spherical approximations for the hard sphere Maier-Saupe nematogenic system. The second aspect considered here is connected with the influence of porous materials on the equilibrium properties of orientationally ordered fluids.For this aim the replica OZ integral equation approach is combine with LMBW equation.It is shown that LMBW type equation can be used also for the solution of replica broken symmetry problem in orientationally ordered fluids. Finally the connectedness properties of orientationally ordered fluids will be discussed.For this aim the OZ integral equation for connectedness correlation functions is combine with the LMBW equation.

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