@unpublished{RoggenbachEtAl02, abstract = {This note provides a style guide how to write specifications in CASL. The guidelines presented here were developed writing the note "Basic Datatypes in CASL" [4]. Thus they have proven to be useful in practice. The aim of this note is twofold: on the one hand it documents the methodology behind the "Basic Datatypes in CASL" [4] and thus helps to understand the design decision behind them. On the other hand the here presented "Methodological Guidelines" may be useful as a starting point for other methodologies. }, added-at = {2016-08-05T15:59:03.000+0200}, author = {Roggenbach, Markus and Mossakowski, Till}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2484be96b34e0a83d6160848728397cc6/tillmo}, interhash = {7385753f4fb5063bf4a02d14f8397ec4}, intrahash = {484be96b34e0a83d6160848728397cc6}, keywords = {CASL methodology specification}, note = {CoFI note M-6}, status = {Other}, timestamp = {2016-08-05T15:59:03.000+0200}, title = {Methodological guidelines (for CASL)}, url = {http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/cofi/old/Notes/M-6/index.html}, year = 2002 }