
A straight-line drawing $\delta$ of a planar graph $G$ need not be plane, but can be made so by untangling it, that is, by moving some of the vertices of $G$. Let shift$(G,\delta)$ denote the minimum number of vertices that need to be moved to untangle $\delta$. We show that shift$(G,\delta)$ is NP-hard to compute and to approximate. Our hardness results extend to a version of 1BendPointSetEmbeddability, a well-known graph-drawing problem. Further we define fix$(G,\delta)=n-shift(G,\delta)$ to be the maximum number of vertices of a planar $n$-vertex graph $G$ that can be fixed when untangling $\delta$. We give an algorithm that fixes at least $((n)-1)/n$ vertices when untangling a drawing of an $n$-vertex graph $G$. If $G$ is outerplanar, the same algorithm fixes at least $n/2$ vertices. On the other hand we construct, for arbitrarily large $n$, an $n$-vertex planar graph $G$ and a drawing $\delta_G$ of $G$ with fix$(G,\delta_G) n-2+1$ and an $n$-vertex outerplanar graph $H$ and a drawing $\delta_H$ of $H$ with fix$(H,\delta_H) 2 n-1+1$. Thus our algorithm is asymptotically worst-case optimal for outerplanar graphs.

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