
General architecture of a geopartal system created for tourism

. International Journal on Integrated Education, 3 (2): 115-117 (2020)


This paper makes that many types of data change frequently over time, makes it much more difficult to use a paper card that is structured in a simple way. The rapid retrieval of information, the preservation of their relevance today can only be guaranteed by an automated system. In this article we will talk about the general architecture of an automated system, in which modern GIS, that is, has a large number of graphical and thematic databases, is combined with modeling and computational functions that are able to perform work on the basis of a database, convert spatial data into a cartographic form, make various decisions and carry out monitoring Tukhliev Iskandar Suyunovich and Muhamadiyev Abdinabi Nuraliyevich 2020. General architecture of a geopartal system created for tourism. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 2 (Feb. 2020), 115-117. DOI:https://doi.org/10.31149/ijie.v3i2.332 Pdf Url : https://journals.researchparks.org/index.php/IJIE/article/view/332/325 Paper Url : https://journals.researchparks.org/index.php/IJIE/article/view/332

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