
This brochure is a companion of the former one published in 1996 by CIGRE (N°105) "The mechanical effects of short-circuit currents in openair substations". That brochure had been a revision of another brochure written in 1987 under the leadership of Zbigniew Nartowski (Energoprojekt, Cracow) the former chairman of the CIGRE working group dealing with that subject. Many ideas and proposal had already been described in the original 1987 brochure. In 1992 CIGRE SC23 decided to restart the activity in short-circuit mechanical effects in open-air substations. This was due to the increase of knowledge on that field, especially to the impact of structural dynamics on these effects on design. In fact electromagnetic forces induced large displacement and dynamic behaviour of cables and supports. The first step , published in 1996 (CIGRE thematic brochure N°105), concerned simplified methods. Brochure I 05 explains the background of IEC 60865-1 and gives access to a data base of 40 shortcircuit tests performed in the world, with datas and oscillogramms. In the past only the static behaviour of the support has been taken into account. Recent development concerns a more comprehensive approach of bundle pinch effect, dropper stretch and other features and their true impact on design as dynamic loading. Actual IEC 60865 (part I and 2) helps the designer to define maximum loads and minimum clearances which have to be taken into account as static load and distances for design. Some of the existing methods are either too conservative or, rarely, in the opposite site. This brochure will detail why and how to go further in these methods. Moreover, there is no actual IEC recommendations for short-circuit mechanical loads on apparatuses which are connected to the main bus by slack cable. Some hypothesis of actual IEC rules like neglecting the reclosure in flexible busbars will be analysed in more details on the base of actual full scale tests. Advanced methods will be shortly presented as well as an introduction to probabilistic approach. Moreover D.C. configurations are treated in details. This brochure has been written by the members of the CIGRE ESCC (effects of short-circuit current) task force and revised by WG 23-03 (chairman Pr. Bohme (ABB. Heidelberg), followed recently by Anne-Marie Sahazizian from Ontario Hydro, Canada) and SC 23 of CIGRE. Many members of this CIGRE activity are also members of IEC TC73 as well as CIGRE SC23 and. D. Tsanakas (Univ. Thrace, Greece) was our official liaison to both SC23 and IEC TC73 as member and convener of WG2 "short-circuit effects". It will follow the main chapters of the former brochure.

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