@inproceedings{gossenESUI, abstract = {When designing search user interfaces (SUIs), there is a need to target specific user groups. The cognitive abilities, fine motor skills, emotional maturity and knowledge of a sixty years old man, a fourteen years old teenager and a seven years old child differ strongly. These abilities influence the decisions made in the user interface (UI) design process of SUIs. Therefore, SUIs are usually designed and optimized for a certain user group. However, especially for young and elderly users, the design requirements change rapidly due to fast changes in users’ abilities, so that a flexible modification of the SUI is needed. In this positional paper we introduce the concept of an evolving search user interface (ESUI). It adapts the UI dynamically based on the derived capabilities of the user nteracting with it. We elaborate on user characteristics that change over time and discuss how each of them can influence the SUI design using an example of a girl growing from six to fourteen. We discuss the ways to detect current user characteristics. We also support our idea of an ESUI with a user study and present its first results.}, added-at = {2013-12-02T14:28:03.000+0100}, address = {Dublin, Ireland}, author = {Gossen, Tatiana and Nitsche, Marcus and N{\"u}rnberger, Andreas}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/24f6d4ea3594114846079242c12dae39a/mnitsche}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd European Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (EuroHCIR)}, editor = {Wilson, Max L. and Russell-Rose, Tony and Larsen, Birger and Hansen, Preben and Norling, Kristian}, interhash = {06051b0028395d5d313a146763ee2f9f}, intrahash = {4f6d4ea3594114846079242c12dae39a}, keywords = {myown}, month = aug, pages = {31-34}, publisher = {CEUR-WS.org}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, timestamp = {2014-01-10T14:17:27.000+0100}, title = {{Evolving Search User Interfaces}}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1033/paper2.pdf}, volume = 1033, year = 2013 }