@inproceedings{Haun2009, abstract = {Ordinary graphs only support discrete structures. In this paper we present an approach towards embedding continuous data – like time stamps or series of measurements – in discrete graph models. These continuous meta-information implicitly define relations between vertices which are not explicitly defined in the graph itself. We call this an induced Non-Discrete Graph Structure (NoDeS). The model is helpful for visualization of time-dependent models or values from physical domains. We provide a formal definition of NoDeS based on graphs and two mappings, instance and annotation based, to already known graph structures and visualizations. A visualization of multi-partite projection provides a representation of information from several contexts, enabling NoDeS for a generic context switching mechanism which is used for interaction with these structures. Finally, we introduce an application concept for agent-driven event scheduling using NoDeS.}, added-at = {2013-12-02T14:46:37.000+0100}, address = {Bled, Slovenia}, author = {Haun, Stefan and Nitsche, Marcus and N\"{u}rnberger, Andreas}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/2568e9230cff9fc982fd6fd835d29bb0f/mnitsche}, booktitle = {{Proceedings of Workshop on Explorative Analytics of Information Networks at ECML PKDD 2009 (EIN 2009)}}, interhash = {d656ecf265fdee729ad7ec2b52a88436}, intrahash = {568e9230cff9fc982fd6fd835d29bb0f}, keywords = {myown}, pages = {98-106}, timestamp = {2013-12-16T22:35:17.000+0100}, title = {{Interactive Visualization of continuous Node Features in Graphs}}, url = {http://www.ecmlpkdd2009.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/explorative-analytics-of-information-networks.pdf}, year = 2009 }