
Zusammenhänge elterlicher Erwartungen und Einstellungen mit der Anmeldung und späteren Inanspruchnahme einer Krippe

. Frühe Bildung, (2017)
DOI: 10.1026/2191-9186/a000312


Numerous and diverse reasons have been cited for or against the use of child-care facilities. While previous studies have focused on how structural factors influence the use of a crèche, this paper makes use of the data of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS, n = 2,789) to examine the additional influence of parental orientational characteristics on the registration and the later utilization of a crèche. The analysis shows that parental orientations are a stronger predictor than the structural factors that have been investigated so far, for example, the socioeconomic status. Especially important factors are: the wish of parents to continue working, the expectation that the child's development will profit from a crèche, and the level of parental information about child-care opportunities.

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