
We present results for the reference scale r\_0 in SU(3) Lattice Gauge Theory for beta = 6/g\_0ˆ2 in the range 5.7 \textless= beta \textless= 6.57. The high relative accuracy of 0.3-0.6\% in r\_0/a was achieved through good statistics, the application of a multi-hit procedure and a variational approach in the computation of Wilson loops. A precise definition of the force used to extract r\_0 has been used throughout the calculation which guarantees that r\_0/a is a smooth function of the bare coupling and that subsequent continuum extrapolations are possible. The results are applied to the continuum extrapolations of the energy gap Delta in the static quark potential and the scale L\_max/r\_0 used in the calculation of the running coupling constant.

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  • @triangel
  • @gber
  • @cmcneile
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