
High Dynamic GPS Frequency Tracking Using Block Processing Techniques

. Proc. of the ION National Technical Meeting, (2000)


The application of digital signal processing techniques to blocks of samples instead of sequential processing, has become a viable option in GPS with the recent development of software receivers. These digital signal processing (DSP) techniques are generally referred to as block-processing techniques. The dynamic behavior of the GPS signal due to line-of-sight velocity and oscillator effects, is reflected in a change of the signal's carrier frequency and code-rate. Block processing techniques have been shown to be invaluable for joint time-frequency estimation in speech-processing and sonar applications, and are well suited for the joint time-frequency estimation of the GPS carrier-frequencies and code-rates under dynamically challenging conditions. This paper describes a method that utilizes both the Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) and interpolation techniques to obtain insight in the dynamic behavior of the GPS signal. The proposed method enables the user to observe changes in frequency that would not be possible with conventional sequential methods.

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