A review has been made of all the country update papers submitted to the World Geothermal Congress 2005 (WGC2005) from countries in which geothermal electricity is currently being generated.
The most significant data to emerge from these papers, and from follow-up contacts with representatives of these countries, are:
(1) a total of 24 countries now generate electricity from geothermal resources;
(2) the total installed capacity worldwide is approximately 8930 MWe, corresponding to about 8030 MWe running capacity and electric energy production is nearly 57,000 GWh (early 2005 data);
(3) Costa Rica, France (Guadeloupe), Iceland, Indonesia, Italy1, Kenya, Mexico, Nicaragua, Russia, and the USA have increased the capacity of their power plant installations by more than 10\% with respect to the year 2000;
(4) the new members of the geothermal electricity generating community comprise Austria, Germany and Papua New Guinea;
(5) the installed capacity in Argentina and Greece is now null since their geothermal power plants have been dismantled;
(6) nineteen countries have carried out significant geothermal drilling operations since 2000, with 307 new wells drilled.
ScienceDirect - Geothermics : World geothermal power generation in the period 2001–2005
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