
Non-equilibrium phenomena in self-propelled rods

, , und . Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Motivated by aggregation and orientation phenomena in gliding bacteria, we study collective motion in a two-dimensional model of active, self-propelled rods interacting through volume exclusion. In simulations with individual particles, we find that particle clustering is facilitated by a sufficiently large packing fraction or length-to-width aspect ratio. We show that the transition to clustering is well captured by a mean-field which predicts that critical particle aspect ratio $\kappa_c$ that triggers clustering is a function of the packing fraction $\eta$ such that $\kappa_c = C/- 1$, where $C$ is a constant 1. We also find that self-propelled particles interacting through a liquid crystal-alignment, as in the case of self-propelled rods, exhibit in two-dimensions a phase-transition to global orientational order which is highly dependent on particle density. We show that the interplay between clustering and orientation dynamics determines the type of phase-transition. 1) F. Peruani, A. Deutsch, M. Baer, Phys. Rev. E, 74, 030904 (R), (2006).

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