
We investigate the behavior of Boolean dimension with respect to components and blocks. To put our results in context, we note that for Dushnik-Miller dimension, we have that if \$\backslashdim (C)\backslashle d\$for every component C of a poset P, then \$\backslashdim (P)\backslashle \backslashmax \backslashlimits \backslash\2,d\backslash\\$; also if \$\backslashdim (B)\backslashle d\$for every block B of a poset P, then \$\backslashdim (P)\backslashle d+2\$. By way of constrast, local dimension is well behaved with respect to components, but not for blocks: if ldim(C) = d for every component C of a poset P, then ldim(P) = d + 2; however, for every d = 4, there exists a poset P with ldim(P) = d and \$\backslashdim (B)\backslashle 3\$for every block B of P. In this paper we show that Boolean dimension behaves like Dushnik-Miller dimension with respect to both components and blocks: if bdim(C) = d for every component C of P, then bdim(P) = 2 + d + 4 · 2d; also if bdim(B) = d for every block of P, then bdim(P) = 19 + d + 18 · 2d.


Boolean Dimension, Components and Blocks | SpringerLink

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