@inproceedings{conf/smc/KotzybaSGKN18, added-at = {2019-01-28T10:28:02.000+0100}, author = {Kotzyba, Michael and Schwerdt, Johannes and Gossen, Tatiana and Krippl, Martin and Nürnberger, Andreas}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/25dbc287bcdeed52d3055826f3e4d9a62/kotzyba}, booktitle = {2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)}, crossref = {conf/smc/2018}, ee = {https://doi.org/10.1109/SMC.2018.00445}, interhash = {a263615481132c5419feda1c701680ba}, intrahash = {5dbc287bcdeed52d3055826f3e4d9a62}, isbn = {978-1-5386-6650-0}, keywords = {dke myown}, pages = {2602-2607}, publisher = {IEEE}, timestamp = {2019-01-28T10:28:02.000+0100}, title = {The Effect of Motivational Goals on Information Search for Tasks of Varying Complexity Levels.}, url = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/smc/smc2018.html#KotzybaSGKN18}, year = 2018 }