
Neue Medienkompetenz und Beteiligungsgerechtigkeit. Herausforderungen für die Medien- und Kommunikationsethik

. Communicatio Socialis, 37 (3): 233-245 (2007)


Media- und communication ethics has to rise to new challenges within the knowledge society. Ethically, new options in the world of media and communications can be regarded neither too pessimistic nor too enthusiastic. Instead of these popular reactions to new media technologies und media change, media ethics has to look for more options to increase opportunities of social participation. This text deals with two specific challenges: First the necessity to assemble diverse media content on one’s own responsibility and second the challenge to deal with the enormous amount of information on offer. Facing these challenges, new individual qualifications are needed. The task to generate and to develop media-, information- and participation-competencies is being interpreted as a question of social justice.

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