
We present detailed simulations of a generalization of the Domany–Kinzel model to 2+1 dimensions. It has two control parameters, p and q , which describe the probabilities P k of a site to be wetted, if exactly k of its 'upstream' neighbours are already wetted. If P k depends only weakly on k , the active/adsorbed phase transition is in the directed percolation (DP) universality class. If, however, P k increases quickly with k so that the formation of inactive holes surrounded by active sites is suppressed, the transition is first order. These two transition lines meet at a tricritical point. This point should be in the same universality class as a tricritical transition in the contact process studied recently by Lübeck. Critical exponents for it have been calculated previously by means of the field-theoretic epsilon-expansion ( = 3 −  d , with d = 2 in the present case). Rather poor agreement is found with both.

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