
Electronic and transport properties of stacked metal/semiconductor and metal/metal heterojunctions of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) are studied in this paper. MoS2, MoSe2, WS2, and WSe2 are considered for the semiconducting material, while NbS2, NbSe2, CoS2, and CoSe2 are considered for the metallic contact. Our density functional theory-based calculations reveal a strongly spin-polarized conductance for the studied systems. Furthermore, our results predict that the band gap of the semiconducting TMDC shifts above the Fermi energy of the connected system, leading to a diode-like semiconductor/metal contact. Moreover, the quantum conductance calculations for these junctions, carried out within the Landauer-Buttiker formalism for ballistic transport, shows that even the metal/metal heterojunctions have a diode-like character near the Fermi level. This interesting behaviour is discussed in terms of the misalignment between electronic states on each of the materials comprising the junction.

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