
The RDFa Content Editor - From WYSIWYG to WYSIWYM

, , and . Proceedings of COMPSAC 2012 - Trustworthy Software Systems for the Digital Society, July 16-20, 2012, Izmir, Turkey., (2012)17.3\% acceptance rate, Best paper award.


Recently practical approaches for managing and supporting the life-cycle of semantic content on the Web of Data made quite some progress. However, the currently least developed aspect of the semantic content life-cycle is the user-friendly manual and semi-automatic creation of rich semantic content. In this paper we present the RDFaCE approach for combining WYSIWYG text authoring with the creation of rich semantic annotations. Our approach is based on providing four different views to the content authors: a classical WYSIWYG view, a WYSIWYM (What You See Is What You Mean) view making the semantic annotations visible, a fact view and the respective HTML/RDFa source code view. The views are synchronized such that changes made in one of the views automatically update the others. They provide different means of semantic content authoring for the different personas involved in the content creation life-cycle. For bootstrapping the semantic annotation process we integrate five different text annotation services. We evaluate their accuracy and empirically show that a combination of them yields superior results.

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