
Using machine learning to compress the matter transfer function $T(k)$

, , and . (2022)cite arxiv:2211.06393Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables.


The linear matter power spectrum $P(k,z)$ connects theory with large scale structure observations in cosmology. Its scale dependence is entirely encoded in the matter transfer function $T(k)$, which can be computed numerically by Boltzmann solvers, and can also be computed semi-analytically by using fitting functions such as the well-known Bardeen-Bond-Kaiser-Szalay (BBKS) and Eisenstein-Hu (EH) formulae. However, both the BBKS and EH formulae have some significant drawbacks. On the one hand, although BBKS is a simple expression, it is only accurate up to $10\%$, which is well above the $1\%$ precision goal of forthcoming surveys. On the other hand, while EH is as accurate as required by upcoming experiments, it is a rather long and complicated expression. Here, we use the Genetic Algorithms (GAs), a particular machine learning technique, to derive simple and accurate fitting formulae for the transfer function $T(k)$. When the effects of massive neutrinos are also considered, our expression slightly improves over the EH formula, while being notably shorter in comparison.


Using machine learning to compress the matter transfer function $T(k)$

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