
Archival VLT/NaCo multiplicity investigation of exoplanet host stars

, and . (2018)cite arxiv:1811.09666Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication by Astronomy & Astrophysics.


Context: The influence of stellar multiplicity on planet formation is not yet well determined. Most planets are found using indirect detection methods via the small radial velocity or photometric variations of the primary star. These indirect detection methods are not sensitive to wide stellar companions. High-resolution imaging is thus needed to identify potential (sub)stellar companions to these stars. Aims: In this study we aim to determine the (sub)stellar multiplicity status of exoplanet host stars, that were not previously investigated for stellar multiplicity in the literature. For systems with non-detections we provide detailed detection limits to make them accessible for further statistical analysis. Methods: For this purpose we have employed previously unpublished high-resolution imaging data taken with VLT/NACO in a wide variety of different scientific programs and publicly accessible in the ESO archive. We used astrometric and theoretical population synthesis to determine whether detected companion candidates are likely to be bound or are merely chance-projected background objects. Results: We provide detailed detection limits for 39 systems and investigate 29 previously unknown companion candidates around five systems. In addition, we show for the first time that the previously known companion candidate around HD 204313 is likely a background object. By comparison with secondary epochs of 2MASS data we show that the companion candidates around GJ176 and HD 40307, as well as two of the sources around HD 85390, are likely background objects. For HD 113538 and HD 190984, as well as multiple further companion candidates around HD 85390, further observational data is required to test common proper motion of the companion candidates.


Archival VLT/NaCo multiplicity investigation of exoplanet host stars

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