
An Annotated Dataset of Coreference in English Literature

, , und . Proceedings of the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Seite 44--54. Marseille, France, European Language Resources Association, (Mai 2020)


We present in this work a new dataset of coreference annotations for works of literature in English, covering 29,103 mentions in 210,532 tokens from 100 works of fiction published between 1719 and 1922. This dataset differs from previous coreference corpora in containing documents whose average length (2,105.3 words) is four times longer than other benchmark datasets (463.7 for OntoNotes), and contains examples of difficult coreference problems common in literature. This dataset allows for an evaluation of cross-domain performance for the task of coreference resolution, and analysis into the characteristics of long-distance within-document coreference.

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  • @albinzehe
  • @dblp
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