
Sobre la traducción de documentos médico-legales (de español a inglés): práctica profesional y explotación didáctica en el aula de traducción especializada

. redit: Revista electrónica de didáctica de la traducción y la interpretación, (2009)


In this article, we want to classify some of the difficulties the professional translator has to face when translating medical legal texts (from Spanish into English) from a traductological point of view and to analyze the consequences that this classification can involve when teaching legal translation (or scientific translation) in specialized university centres. This piece of work is part of a Teaching Innovating Project 08/176 Nuevos métodos de adquisición del conocimiento experto en el aula de traducción cient\'ıfica y técnica in which the author of this article has been involved and which is supervised by Dr Esperanza Alarcón Nav\'ıo for this academic year 2008-2009 (University of Granada). This piece of work is based on the adaptation of some translation assignments of medical legal texts from Spanish into English, translated by the author herself for the last two years and on her experience as lecturer of specialized translation at Córdoba and Granada Universities.

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