
Fair Working Conditions for Platform Workers. Possible Regulatory Approaches at the EU Level.

. (Januar 2018)


The study explores different possible regulatory approaches at the EU level to ensure fair working conditions in the platform economy. As platform work is often performed cross-border with at least one party residing in a country other than the other party, regulation at the EU level in the form of a di-rective (»Platform Work Directive«) is the most appropriate means to en-sure adequate protection of platform workers. Article 153 (2) (b) TFEU is the appropriate legal basis to set minimum standards for fair working condi-tions in the platform economy. At the heart of such a »Platform Work Directive« should be a rebuttable legal assumption that the relevant underlying contractual relationship consti-tutes an employment contract between the platform worker and the plat-form. This regulatory measure would establish a connection to the employ-ment law of the country where the work is actually performed and would thereby facilitate application of national employment law in the realm of the platform economy. A solution based on the introduction of an intermediary category such as the so-called »economically dependent worker« at the EU level is rejected. Im-plementation of such a proposal would lead to evasive strategies being adopted by employers, leaving those persons previously protected with less protection in the end. Instead, the author argues, those self-employed per-sons who are economically in a situation comparable to that of employees should also be considered to fall within the scope of protection afforded by the envisaged Platform Work Directive.

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