@inproceedings{mayr2011applying, added-at = {2018-08-20T13:25:44.000+0200}, address = {Boizenburg}, author = {Mayr, Philipp and Mutschke, Peter and Petras, Vivien and Schaer, Philipp and Sure, York}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/26a04d62383948523f2262de1156e160b/irgroup_thkoeln}, booktitle = {Information und Wissen: global, sozial und frei? - Proceedings des 12. Internationalen Symposiums f\"{u}r Informationswissenschaft (ISI 2011)}, description = {preprint}, editor = {Griesbaum, Joachhim and Mandl, Thomas and Womser-Hacker, Christa}, interhash = {b57b68e70045315b8d756a045c106487}, intrahash = {6a04d62383948523f2262de1156e160b}, keywords = {schaer}, pages = {184--196}, pdf = {http://www.ib.hu-berlin.de/~mayr/arbeiten/ApplyingScienceModels-ISI11.pdf}, publisher = {Verlag Werner Hülsbusch}, series = {Schriften zur Informationswissenschaft}, timestamp = {2018-08-20T13:25:44.000+0200}, title = {Applying Science Models for Search}, url = {http://www.ib.hu-berlin.de/~mayr/arbeiten/ApplyingScienceModels-ISI11.pdf}, volume = 58, year = 2011 }