
Place-Its: A Study of Location-Based Reminders on Mobile Phones

, , , , , and . UbiComp 2005: Ubiquitous Computing, volume 3660 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (2005)
DOI: 10.1007/11551201_14


Context-awareness can improve the usefulness of automated reminders. However, context-aware reminder applications have yet to be evaluated throughout a person’s daily life. Mobile phones provide a potentially convenient and truly ubiquitous platform for the detection of personal context such as location, as well as the delivery of reminders. We designed Place-Its, a location-based reminder application that runs on mobile phones, to study people using location-aware reminders throughout their daily lives. We describe the de-sign of Place-Its and a two-week exploratory user study. The study reveals that location-based reminders are useful, in large part because people use location in nuanced ways.


Place-Its: A Study of Location-Based Reminders on Mobile Phones - Springer

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