
There is an urgent need for models that can accurately predict performance of В®ber-wrapped concrete columns. Axial compression tests on a total of 45 carbon-wrapped concrete stubs of two batches of normal and high-strength concrete and В®ve different number of wraps were used to verify a conВ®nement model, which was originally developed for concrete-В®lled glass FRP tubes. Also, a nonlinear В®nite element model with a non-associative DruckerВ±Prager plasticity was developed. Both models compared favorably with test results. It was concluded that the adhesive bond between concrete and the wrap would not signiВ®cantly affect the conВ®nement behavior. Moreover, the same conВ®nement model can be applied to carbon and glass В®bers, as long as the model has incorporated the dilation tendency of concrete as a function of the stiffness of the jacket. However, it is of utmost importance to establish the effective hoop rupture strain of the wrap through a reliability analysis by setting proper conВ®dence level for design purposes.

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