%0 Journal Article
%1 regev2005
%A Regev, Gil
%A Alexander, Ian F.
%A Wegmann, Alain
%D 2005
%J Business Process Management Journal
%K Modelling; Organizational Systems processes; theory
%N 6
%P 695--708
%R 10.1108/14637150510630864
%T Modelling the regulative role of business processes with use and
misuse cases
%V 11
added-at = {2007-05-04T05:48:10.000+0200},
author = {Regev, Gil and Alexander, Ian F. and Wegmann, Alain},
biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/26c68c2c413ce9d9396ed9d74fbb4aa52/p_ansell},
description = {Context-aware business processes},
doi = {10.1108/14637150510630864},
interhash = {8610f9f545d740e64103d30092f700a0},
intrahash = {6c68c2c413ce9d9396ed9d74fbb4aa52},
journal = {Business Process Management Journal},
keywords = {Modelling; Organizational Systems processes; theory},
number = 6,
owner = {peter},
pages = {695--708},
pdf = {HonoursResearch/Regev2005-ModellingTheRegulativeRoleOfBusinessProcessesWithUseAndMisuseCases.pdf},
timestamp = {2007-05-04T05:48:13.000+0200},
title = {Modelling the regulative role of business processes with use and
misuse cases},
volume = 11,
year = 2005