
Display and food as reinforcers in the Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens)

, , and . Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, (1970)


13 male Bettas were required to swim through a small tunnel and exposed to fixed ratio (FR) schedules of reinforcement, FR1-FR6. In Exp. I the opportunity to show aggressive display at their mirror image was used as the reinforcement. As the FR increased, the total number of responses/12-hr session remained almost constant, while the number of reinforcements/session decreased. In Exp. II food was used as the reinforcement. As the FR increased, the total number of responses/12-hr session increased, while the number of reinforcements remained almost constant. In 2 other experiments the duration of display reinforcement was varied 5-40 sec. The 5-sec time interval was less effective than the other intervals, but differences were not statistically significant. Results support the conclusion that the 2 reinforcers depend on different mechanisms for their effects.

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