
Not All Parents Are Equal for MO-CMA-ES

, , and . Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-criterion Optimization, page 31--45. Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, (2011)


The Steady State variants of the Multi-Objective Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (SS-MO-CMA-ES) generate one offspring from a uniformly selected parent. Some other parental selection operators for SS-MO-CMA-ES are investigated in this paper. These operators involve the definition of multi-objective rewards, estimating the expectation of the offspring survival and its Hypervolume contribution. Two selection modes, respectively using tournament, and inspired from the Multi-Armed Bandit framework, are used on top of these rewards. Extensive experimental validation comparatively demonstrates the merits of these new selection operators on unimodal MO problems.


Not all parents are equal for MO-CMA-ES

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