
The study describes the isolation of Beauveria bassiana from soil sample collected from lower bhavani project areas of Tamil Nadu. Primary screening of Beauveria bassiana was examined by microscopic and macroscopic morphology and then confirmed by biochemical tests. Fast growing selected isolate are cultured for biomass production on submerged and solid state fermentation effected 20% packed cell mass in SMF and EOF cell mass of 22 grams by SSF. The selected isolate is irradiated to UV and conducted three rounds of mutation resulted. Thirty five mutants were screened for fast growth, increased enzyme activity and biomass production. The study has resulted mutant MUT-23 affected 35% PCV in SMF and 30 grams end of fermentation weight in SSF with lipase 45 u/g, protease 88 u/g and chitinase 34 u/g productivity.

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