
A study of the strategic management process at a private college

. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, Doctoral Dissertation, (1991)


The purpose of this study was to observe the impact of participation in the strategic management process in the higher education setting. Findings are based on information from members of the college community about their perceptions and experiences over the course of a two year strategic planning effort at a private college. A qualitative research design was employed, which included a questionnaire distributed to trustees, faculty, staff, students and alumni and interviews of staff and faculty. From this study the major findings were as follows: Overall, those who participated in the strategic planning activities were more knowledgeable about the institution's mission and the strategic planning process. However, organizational behaviors both affected the on-going culture and management of the organization and were a major influence on the success of the strategic planning process. Participation in itself was not enough. The quality of the participatory activities affected knowledge and commitment. The portions of the strategic planning process which were most successful were those in which the college community perceived that they had strongly influenced the process outcomes. The study also revealed that the success of the strategic planning process and strategic plan was hindered because the process was not well communicated to the college community. In addition, the effectiveness of the strategic planning process was mitigated because the roles of process leader and executive leader were held by one person, the President, and these two roles conflicted. Also, the study determined that defining a strategic vision as part of the strategic planning effort was an important and necessary part of the process. Recommendations made in this study drew on the realization that participation should be part of the strategic management process to the greatest extent possible. Perhaps most important, however, the participatory activities must be conducted so that members of the organization perceive that they had the opportunity to participate if they chose and that their involvement had impact on the products of the process. Also, to clarify the focus of the strategic goals, definition of an institutional vision should be a formal step in the strategic management process.

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