
Two fatigue test programs were carried out on a typical ACSR conäuctor and on its constituent aluminum wires. The purpese of this paper is to inc~ease ~~e degree of understanding of the complex problern of ACSR conäuctor fatigue. The conductor was tested with different support conditions, and at three axi~ :ension levels. The aluminum wires were tested in conditions representative of their environment in the conductor. Results show that the compression exerted by the clamp significantly reduces fatigue life. Fatigue curves obtained from aluminum wires give bending stress values far above conductor derived val~es, suggesting that wires in the conductor may not behave as expected. Besides, a statistical analysis of the failure events confir~ that wires do not fail ra~domly, but at positions in the conductor cross-section where the bending stresses are the highest, when the bending stress calculation takes into acco~t fcr frictional interactions and· Variations of the nexural rigidi ty.

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