
Effective Caching for the Secure Content Distribution in Information-Centric Networking

, , and . (2018)cite arxiv:1808.03289Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, 2018 IEEE 87th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring).
DOI: 10.1109/VTCSpring.2018.8417854


The secure distribution of protected content requires consumer authentication and involves the conventional method of end-to-end encryption. However, in information-centric networking (ICN) the end-to-end encryption makes the content caching ineffective since encrypted content stored in a cache is useless for any consumer except those who know the encryption key. For effective caching of encrypted content in ICN, we propose a novel scheme, called the Secure Distribution of Protected Content (SDPC). SDPC ensures that only authenticated consumers can access the content. The SDPC is a lightweight authentication and key distribution protocol; it allows consumer nodes to verify the originality of the published article by using a symmetric key encryption. The security of the SDPC was proved with BAN logic and Scyther tool verification.


Effective Caching for the Secure Content Distribution in Information-Centric Networking

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