M. Alrifai, and T. Risse. 3rd Workshop on Emerging Web Services Technology (WEWST 2008) in conjunction with ECOWS 2008, November 12, 2008, Dublin, Ireland, (2008)
%0 Conference Paper
%1 alrifai2008efficient
%A Alrifai, Mohammad
%A Risse, Thomas
%B 3rd Workshop on Emerging Web Services Technology (WEWST 2008) in conjunction with ECOWS 2008, November 12, 2008, Dublin, Ireland
%D 2008
%K aware composition efficient myown qos service web webservices
%T Efficient QoS-aware Web Service Composition
%U http://www.l3s.de/~risse/pub/wewst2008.pdf
added-at = {2012-11-14T14:34:38.000+0100},
author = {Alrifai, Mohammad and Risse, Thomas},
biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/274c9cdefbca8c5f785a2c969e7d5a9b9/alrifai},
booktitle = {3rd Workshop on Emerging Web Services Technology (WEWST 2008) in conjunction with ECOWS 2008, November 12, 2008, Dublin, Ireland},
interhash = {1c4dec184261d9d980aed11e89802c76},
intrahash = {74c9cdefbca8c5f785a2c969e7d5a9b9},
keywords = {aware composition efficient myown qos service web webservices},
timestamp = {2012-12-12T16:55:29.000+0100},
title = {Efficient QoS-aware Web Service Composition},
url = {http://www.l3s.de/~risse/pub/wewst2008.pdf},
year = 2008