
We perform a series of simplified numerical experiments to explore how rotation impacts on the three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamics of core-collapse supernovae. For the sake of our systematic study, we employ a light-bulb scheme to trigger explosions and a three-flavor neutrino leakage scheme to treat deleptonization effects and neutrino losses from proto-neutron star interior. Using a 15 solar mass progenitor, we compute thirty models in 3D with a wide variety of initial angular momentum and light-bulb neutrino luminosity. We find that the rotation can help onset of neutrino-driven explosions for the models in which the initial angular momentum is matched to that obtained in recent stellar evolutionary calculations (0.3-3 rad/s at the center). For models with larger initial angular momentum, a shock surface deforms to be more oblate due to larger centrifugal force. This makes not only a gain region more concentrated around the equatorial plane, but also the mass in the gain region bigger. As a result, buoyant bubbles tend to be coherently formed and rise in the equatorial region, which pushes the revived shock ever larger radii until a global explosion is triggered. We find that these are the main reasons that the preferred direction of explosion in 3D rotating models is often perpendicular to the spin axis, which is in sharp contrast to the polar explosions around the axis that was obtained in previous 2D simulations.

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