
On the Kullback-Leibler divergence between location-scale densities

. (2019)cite arxiv:1904.10428Comment: 11 pages.


We show that the $f$-divergence between any two densities of potentially different location-scale families can be reduced to the calculation of the $f$-divergence between one standard density with another location-scale density. It follows that the $f$-divergence between two scale densities depends only on the scale ratio. We then report conditions on the standard distribution to get symmetric $f$-divergences. We illustrate this symmetric property with the calculation of the Kullback-Leibler divergence between scale Cauchy distributions. Finally, we show that the minimum $f$-divergence of any query density of a location-scale family to another location-scale family is independent of the query location-scale parameters.


[1904.10428] On the Kullback-Leibler divergence between location-scale densities

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