
Three subjects practiced fast, accurate 36 ~ elbow flexion movements to a 2.5 ~ target for 14 sessions of 100 trials (total, 1400 trials). Subjects then returned for a 15th experimental session in which they were asked to perform 15 movements under identical conditions to the practice condition. They were then tested under three ex- perimental conditions without visual feedback: (1) iden- tical to the practice conditions, (2) with small shifts in starting position (+ 3 ~ of the practiced starting position), that were insufficient for subjective discrimination and, therefore, subjects were instructed to repeat the practiced movements; and (3) with a large shift in starting position (range, • 15 ~ of the practiced starting position), under the instruction to move to the same target. Experimental conditions 2 and 3 demonstrated that shifts in starting position were partially correlated with shifts in final posi- tion. These results are interpreted from the point of view of the equilibrium-point hypothesis of motor control.


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