@inproceedings{Memariani2021, added-at = {2021-09-11T13:11:57.000+0200}, address = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2998/}, author = {Memariani, Adel and Glauer, Martin and Neuhaus, Fabian and Mossakowski, Till and Hastings, Janna}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/27bd28071ad7f1a21dc8ad1887f5ebfa3/tillmo}, booktitle = { International Workshop on Data meets Applied Ontologies in Explainable AI (DAO-XAI 2021)}, editor = {Confalonieri, Roberto and Kutz, Oliver and Calvanese, Diego}, interhash = {5cce1528f6de6ed99b500b4fa76cf9f8}, intrahash = {7bd28071ad7f1a21dc8ad1887f5ebfa3}, issn = {1613-0073}, keywords = {ChEBI learning myown ontology transformers}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, timestamp = {2021-11-17T06:59:21.000+0100}, title = {Automated and explainable ontology extension based on deep learning: A case study in the chemical domain}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2998/paper1.pdf}, volume = 2998, year = 2021 }