
Competing length scales in threedimensional and confined charged colloids

. Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


We investigate the structure formation of charged colloidal suspensions in bulk and in spatial confinement (film geometry), focussing on the identification of characteristic length scales. The calculations are based on computer simulations and (hypernetted chain) integral equationson, using an effective description of the multicomponent colloidal suspension via a screened Coulomb (DLVO) potential between the macroions. The range of the interaction is controlled by the inverse Debye length $\kappa$ determined by the concentrations of counterions and the ionic strength of additional salt (if present). Concerning bulk properties, we find that the commonly accepted power law $\xi\phi^-1/3$ for the average particle distance $\xi=2\pi/q_max$ in three spatial dimensions describes the results only for low ionic strength, that is for relatively long--ranged potentials characterized by small values of $\kappa$. On the other hand, systems with larger ionic strengths and, consequently, more short--ranged interactions do not obey such power--law behavior and rather resemble an uncharged hard--sphere fluid, where the relevant length scale is the particle diameter. Similar observations hold in a film geometry. For both geometries, our results are in excellent quantitative agreement with experimental results for charged Silica particles S.K.L. Klapp, D. Qu, R.v. Klitzing, J. Phys. Chem. B 111, 1296 (2007).

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