
Constraining dark energy using the cross correlations of weak lensing with post-reionization probes of neutral hydrogen

, and . (2020)cite arxiv:2010.05816Comment: Submitted. Comments are welcome.


We investigate the prospects of detecting the cross correlation of weak-lensing convergence field with the large scale tracers of the underlying dark matter distribution in the post-reionization epoch. The cross-correlation is then used to constrain dark energy equation of state (EoS) for models with a time evolving dark energy.We study the cross-correlation angular power spectrum of the weak-lensing field with the Lyman-alpha forest and the redshifted HI 21 cm signal from the post reionization epoch. The angular power spectra is expressed as a line of sight average over the tomographic slices. We find that on using multiple 400 hrs observation with an extended GMRT like instrument or with a quasar (QSO) density of 16 deg^-2 the cross-correlation with weak-lensing convergence field covering half the sky can be detected at a very high SNR (>20). The cross-correlation of weak-lensing with Lyman-alpha forest allows the $1-\sigma$ errors on the dark energy EoS parameters for different parametrizations to be constrained at a level of precision comparable to combined Planck+SNIa+BAO+HST projections.The 21-cm weak-lensing cross-correlation is found to provide strong constraints on the present value of the dark energy EoS parameter at 2% for the 7CPL model.The constraints on w_a is comparable (~ 10%) for models other than the 7CPL model. We also find that the CPL parametrization may not be the best constrained parametrization for dark energy evolution. The cross-correlation of weak-lensing with the the post-reionization probes of neutral hydrogen thus holds the potential to give us valuable understanding about the nature of evolving dark energy.


Constraining dark energy using the cross correlations of weak lensing with post-reionization probes of neutral hydrogen

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