
Genetic Programming for Grammar Induction

, and . 2001 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Late Breaking Papers, page 245--251. San Francisco, California, USA, (9-11 July 2001)


There has been a big interest in inducing classes of grammars in the area of machine learning. Various attempts have been carried out for automatically inferring different grammar classes. The symbolic nature of the grammar induction problem makes it suitable for the GP-approach. However the straightforward application of the GP method on Context Free Grammar Induction problem fails to generate a satisfactory solution. The interdependency among subparts of a CFG is high and it seems to be the reason that prevents the GP method from finding out effective building blocks during the search. In this paper a new approach is presented where the aim is to formalize a control module for the genetic search which can use the interdependency information existing in CFGs and hence can direct the search only among well-fit grammars in the search space.

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