
Structure and Dynamics of Lyapunov Vectors in Spatio-Temporal Chaos

, , , and . Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Spatio-temporal chaos is found in a number of contexts ranging from meteorological models to excitable media. The growth of disturbances (errors) in this high-dimensional chaotic regime has attracted some attention in the last years, due to specific properties that have no analogy in low-dimensional systems. Particularly useful to understand error growth dynamics is the mapping of the problem (via Hopf-Cole transformation) to an equivalent interface growth process described by the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation. So far, the interest has focused on the largest Lyapunov exponent $łambda_1$ and the dynamics of the associated Lyapunov vector (LV), because any typical disturbance approaches asymptotically the profile of that LV: $w_1(x,t)$. However from practical (say ensemble forecasting in meteorology) and fundamental point of views, it is interesting to understand the spatio-temporal behavior of Lyapunov vectors associated to other Lyapunov exponents ($łambda_n < łambda_n-1$, $n 2$). In this communication we report on several results for the spatial and temporal dynamics of the Lyapunov vectors. The power spectra of the associated interfaces $h_n(x,t)=łog(|w_n|)$ are KPZ-like (i.e. $k^-2$) only up to a characteristic length scale, approximately of order $L/n$. At large scales the spectra behave as $1/k$ noise. The figure shows the results for a lattice of coupled logistic maps equation u_i(t+1) = (1 -2 \epsilon) f(u_i(t)) + f(u_i+1(t)) +f(u_i-1(t)) equation with $\epsilon=0.1$ but equivalent results are obtained for a multiplicative stochastic equation $\partial_t w(x,t) = \xi(x,t) w(x,t) + \nabla^2 w(x,t)$, and the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. A close inspection reveals that intervals of any interface $h_n$ are simply copies of the same intervals of $h_1$. This approximate relation through a piecewise constant (multiplateau-like) function explains the existence of a characteristic scale in the power spectrum. Furthermore, the characteristic length scale decreases with $n$, such that we propose a scaling relation for the power spectra of different vectors ($n$) and system sizes ($L$): equation S_n(k) L^-1 k^2 = głeft(k L/(n-1/2)^\right) equation We note the difference between backward and characteristic Lyapunov vectors for the scaling function $g$, see lower panels of the figure. Whereas the backward LVs arise when computing the Lyapunov exponents using the standard Gramm-Schmidt orthonormalization technique, characteristic LVs are freely evolving disturbances that grow with the corresponding Lyapunov exponent from the remote past to the remote future.

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