
Methods of Artistic Translation of Comparisons On the Example of the Story of E. Hemingway Old Man and the Sea

. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 5 (2): 94-97 (März 2021)


In this article a comparison is shown as an expressive agent of artistic speech on the example of the story of E. Hemingway Old Man and the Sea . In the process of research all comparisons found were divided into different groups depending on the subject structure the degree of complexity. The author cites the differences in figurative and logical comparisons. Under the sample comparison is a comparison of two items which has a common feature for them in order to more brighter one of them while a logical comparison is a comparison of two objects belonging to one class. Considered main ways to transfer formal comparisons. It is concluded that the translation of the comparisons found in the text is close to the original. Sayitova Komila Khasanboevna "Methods of Artistic Translation of Comparisons (On the Example of the Story of E. Hemingway Öld Man and the Sea")" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd) ISSN: 2456-6470 Special Issue | International Research Development and Scientific Excellence in Academic Life March 2021 URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd38741.pdf Paper Url: https://www.ijtsrd.com/engineering/other/38741/methods-of-artistic-translation-of-comparisons-on-the-example-of-the-story-of-e-hemingway-old-man-and-the-sea/sayitova-komila-khasanboevna

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