@inproceedings{KutzEtAl11c, abstract = {We present an overview of the landscape of ontology languages, mostly pertaining to the first-order paradigm. In particular, we present a uniform formalisation of these languages based on the institution theoretical framework, allowing a systematic treatment and analysis of the translational relationships between the various languages and a general analysis of properties of such translations. We also discuss the importance of language translation from the point of view of ontological modularity and logical pluralism, and for the borrowing of tools and reasoners between languages. }, added-at = {2016-08-05T15:59:03.000+0200}, author = {Kutz, Oliver and Mossakowski, Till}, biburl = {https://www.bibsonomy.org/bibtex/28140d109fbf467e40551a6dec60e6360/tillmo}, booktitle = {Modular Ontologies Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop (WoMO 2011)}, editor = {Kutz, O. and Schneider, T.}, interhash = {3945756e35a0191a870e707423fdf83b}, intrahash = {8140d109fbf467e40551a6dec60e6360}, isbn = {978-1-60750-798-7}, keywords = {institution interoperability ontology translation}, pages = {94-109}, pdfurl = {http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~till/papers/ontotrans.pdf}, publisher = {IOS Press}, series = {Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications}, status = {Reviewed}, timestamp = {2016-08-05T15:59:03.000+0200}, title = {The Onto-Logical Translation Graph}, url = {http://www.booksonline.iospress.nl/Content/View.aspx?piid=20384}, volume = 230, year = 2011 }