
Despite considerable speculation it remains unclear as to whether stretch reflexes perform a functional role in speech articulator muscles. Recent research, however, has shown that long loop stretch reflex mechanisms are brought into play during voluntary contraction of limb muscles and a functional role in oscillatory damping has been suggested. It was decided, therefore, to use a method and a technique of analysis similar to that used in limb muscles to search for tonic stretch reflex (TSR) responses in lip, tongue and jaw muscles during sustained voluntary contraction. The term 'action TSR' is used to differentiate stretch reflex responses measured from voluntary activity from those measured at rest. Simultaneous electromyogram (EMG) recordings were taken from the lip, tongue and jaw musculature in normal, stutterer and cerebral spastic subjects. Subjects were instructed to hold the appropriate articulator in a fixed position while the experiment applied an irregular, continuously changing, stretching force. The stretch and EMG signals were analyzed using a cross correlation and spectral analysis technique. This provided a sensitive means of detecting any EMG fluctuations which covaried with applied stretch and might therefore be classified as reflex. No suggestion of such action TSR responses could be found in lip or tongue muscles of any of the subjects tested, including the cerebral spastic subjects with dysarthric speech. It is therefore concluded that action TSR mechanisms are not operative in control of lip and tongue muscles in man. Furthermore, dysarthric speech in cerebral spasticity cannot be attributed to exaggerated tone of lip and tongue muscles resulting from hypersensitivity of TSR mechanisms. In contrast, clear action TSR responses were demonstrable in jaw closing muscles while in jaw opening muscles, small amplitude responses were detected but were not substantial in comparison with background activity. Since the action TSR is present in jaw and limb muscles, but absent in lip and tongue muscles, the suggestion of a functional role of this reflex in damping mechanical oscillations associated with inertial loads is further supported.

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